The AAFP is like the American Medical Association for cat doctors, and has lots of good information regarding feline health.
This site is a good starting point to learn more about a variety of topics, including feline injection-site sarcomas and the latest subjects in veterinary medicine.
Any time you suspect you have a pet emergency, it is better to call than to try to wait. It could mean the difference between life and death for your pet. If we are not open, call CPVETS at 237-4670 or go immediately to their hospital at 1522 Martin Street for veterinary assistance.
The first humane organization to be granted legal authority to investigate and make arrests for crimes against animals.
A resource for any animal poison-related emergency.
We have all experienced the pain of losing a pet. The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement has set up this site for support during this most difficult time. You will find inspirational stories, grief counseling resources, hotline number and many other resources.
Avian influenza, H5N1, also known as bird flu, can be a serious and fatal condition for cats.
A quick reference guide to many breeds of dogs, including photos and brief descriptions of each breed's characteristics.
The Cat Fanciers' Association website has lots of pictures, as well as information on cat breeds, cat care, upcoming cat shows, and much more.
All dogs 3 months and older living in Centre County are required to be licensed. Licenses may be purchased annually, or a lifetime license may be purchased. A list of locations is available at this link, as is information about Permanent ID Verification.
A webpage by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighting zoonotic risks.
Learn more about parasites and zoonotic diseases.
A link to the ASPCA Emergency Pet Preparedness Guide.
Pets sometimes carry germs that can make people sick. The CDC shares information about these zoonotic diseases.
Resources recommended by the AKC to help you learn more about dog behavior and find solutions for some common canine problems.
Learn about the Fear Free movement and how it can take the fear, anxiety and stress out of your pet’s veterinary visits
Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here!
Link to the House Rabbit Society website, which has a wealth of information for rabbit owners.
Cat lovers will find many unique breeds on this site.
Offers resources for those who find or care for orphaned and infant kittens.
Looking for a new dog or cat? Search Petfinder for adoptable pets near you.
Remember that “Dr. Google” should NEVER be used as a substitute for emergency veterinary care. We provide this information in case you need to know how to care for a pet UNTIL you can get it to us or an emergency veterinarian.
Number to call and lists of common poisons.
By the authors of the Merck Veterinary Manual, this site offers health and wellness information to pet owners.
Anyone who has ever lost a pet should visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members.
We are a proud member of the Veterinary Information Network, which offers pet owners, a resource that is here to support you in the care of your companion animals. provides reliable, up-to-date animal health information from the veterinarians and experts of the Veterinary Information Network (VIN), the world's first and largest online database and community for veterinary doctors.
This is a great link to all of the websites of veterinary schools in the United States.
This site is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and has the latest information on the spread of West Nile Virus in the US, as well as information on disease transmission, symptoms, etc.
gently suggested that your pet may be overweight? This page has many suggestions for getting your pet to a healthier weight and keeping the weight off.
Sign up today to start earning rewards dollars that you can use in our hospital when you purchase Simparica, Simparica TRIO, Revolution Plus, Apoquel, and other products made by Zoetis.