July 31, 2023
We are delighted to share that WE HAVE PARKING!! Limited parking, it's true, but we're still very excited. Beginning Monday, 7/31, we have 9 spaces for you directly behind the hospital along the tree line. You may not drive farther than the dumpsters (about halfway across the back), and you will need to walk your pet to the temporary client entrance on the Owens Drive side of the building that faces the Waffle Shop. Overflow parking will be in the side lot of the former bank building along the hedge row this week only. Beginning Monday, 8/7/23, the bank lot will no longer be accessible for CAH clients, and overflow parking will be on Owens Drive between the stop sign and our driveway.
Construction personnel will be using the rear lot as an entrance to the construction area, and large orders of supplies and materials will need to use this access also. At times certain construction activities may limit or prohibit clients from using the rear lot, and we will try to give as much notification as possible when this occurs.
PLEASE CALL to check in before leaving your vehicle and let us know if you need help getting your pet into the clinic or are having an emergency. We are committed to making your pet's visit as stress-free as possible, and we may need time to shift pets and clients around with just one door in and out. If you are picking up medications and would prefer curbside service, we are happy to do that for you.
Please ensure all carriers, collars, harnesses and leashes are VERY secure before you leave home. We strongly suggest you seatbelt or contain all pets for their safety before you open your doors.
As always, we deeply appreciate your patience and consideration during this process.